School Improvement
Continuous school improvement is an embedded behavior rooted in the school's culture that constantly focuses on the conditions, processes, and practices that improve teaching and learning. Schools use student performance results and analyze data from various interwoven components to develop plans and implement improvement actions to drive education quality and improved student outcomes.
School Improvement Goals
Goal 1: Reading Comprehension
All students will improve in Reading Comprehension.
Goal 2: Mathematics
All students will increase achievement in Mathematics.
Goal 3:
All teachers will participate in Focused Collaboration.
Bitz Intermediate School is a 3rd through 5th grade school, located aboard the Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune, NC. The school opened its doors for the first time on August 24, 2006, as 3rd through 5th grade students and staff from the former Berkeley Manor, Russell and Stone Street Schools merged into one.
We have a student body of approximately 350 and a staff of about 70. Teaching staff includes: 7 third-grade teachers, 5 fourth-grade teachers, and 5 fifth-grade teachers.
Additionally, there are teachers for: music, art, gifted resource education, physical education, strategic literacy interventions, strategic math interventions, learning impaired mild/moderate, learning impaired moderate/severe and speech therapy. We also have educational aides, a media specialist, an education technologist, counselor and nurse. We also have a part-time physical therapist, occupational therapist and school psychologist that we share with another school.
A comprehensive master schedule provides large blocks of uninterrupted instructional time and common planning time for teachers at each grade level. Other opportunities to build a professional learning community are supported through the allocation of time one Wednesday each month. These times are devoted to consistent and deliberate collaborative instructional planning that promotes productive discussion about student learning. Bitz Intermediate School teachers clearly link collaboration to improvement results in instructional practice and student performance. Bitz Intermediate School routinely communicates effectively with stakeholder groups within the school and school community to ensure shared decision making, to solicit feedback and to respond to stakeholders, and to work collaboratively on school improvement efforts.
Sgt. Michael Bitz
Sergeant Michael Edward Bitz was born on February 14, 1972 in North Dakota. He enlisted in the Marine Corps on January 10, 1995 and upon completion of recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California, he attended and graduated from the Assault Amphibian Basic Course, Camp Pendleton, California. In his first tour of duty, he was assigned to Headquarters and Service Company and then Company E, 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, 1st Marine Division from 1995-1999. Sgt. Bitz served as a recruiter in Arkansas from 1999-2000 and was subsequently reassigned to Company C, 2d Assault Amphibian Battalion, 2d Marine Division on July 1, 2000. He participated in one deployment with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit in 2001 while assigned to Company C and Operation IRAQI FREEDOM while assigned to Company A from January 10 to March 23, 2003.
Sergeant Bitz was killed in action while involved in combat operations in An Nasiriyah, Iraq on March 23, 2003.His decorations include the Silver Star, Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal (with bronze star in lieu of second award), Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and the Sea Service Deployment ribbon (with bronze star in lieu of second award).
DoDEA Accreditation
Accreditation is the act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to an educational institution that maintains suitable standards). Educational accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated by an external agency to determine if applicable standards are met. If standards are met, accredited status is granted by the agency.
Cognia is the accreditation agency for all DoDEA schools and the world's largest education community. As the global leader in advancing education excellence through accreditation and school improvement, Cognia brings together more than 100 years of experience and the expertise of three United States-based accreditation agencies - the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA/CASI), Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC), and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS/CASI). Accreditation is pivotal to leveraging education quality and continuous improvement.
Detailed accreditation information is provided on the DoDEA Accreditation page.
Comprehensive Assessment System
In conjunction with the implementation of the College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS), DoDEA is implementing the Comprehensive Assessment System (CAS) that includes all of the assessments that are administered system-wide within DoDEA. These include the PSAT, Advanced Placement, NAEP, and College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) assessments. All assessments included in the DoDEA Comprehensive Assessment System support student learning, provide information for decision makers concerning instructional programs and services, and inform parents. DoDEA is committed to student achievement and assessments that raise the bar for the students to ensure they are on the path to success.